Case Management Continuing Education

Your time is valuable and at CEU Academy, we have a time-saving method of obtaining the continuing education you need and the information you want.
Browse our course catalogue for topics in ethics, compliance, behavioral and mental health, leadership and more!
CCMC Approved CEUs
All Case Management CEUs are CCMC approved and accepted in all 50 states.
Certificates may be downloaded immediately upon completion and include the hours and course approval number from CCMC.

Subscribe and Save on Case Management CEUs
Certified Case Manager Annual Subscription
Access our full library of accredited CCMC-Approved CEUs CEUs for a full year. Affordable pricing, no hidden/recurring costs. Affordable pricing, no hidden/recurring costs. Learn more about subscriber benefits
Popular Case Management CEU Topics
Behavior Management CEUs - 2 hours
Cultural Competence CEUs - 5 hours
Emergency Preparedness CEUs - 2 hours
Ethics CEUs - 8 hours
Hospice CEUs - 3 hours
Memory Care and Dementia CEUs - 11 hours
Mental Health CEUs - 4 hours
Neurodegenerative Disorders CEUs - 5 hours
Nursing - Beyond the Basics CEUs - 2 hours
Browse Our Library of Case Management Continuing Education
30 Total Courses
Finally, a Fast, Fun, & Easy Way to...
Complete Your CEUs Online

Extensive Library
Comprehensive library of over 20 hours of Case Management CEUs. We keep up with the latest trends and compliance regulations in senior care.
Convenient Learning
Take your Case Management Continuing Education on the go with our easy, online CEUs. Complete courses at your convenience - anywhere, anytime on any device and at your own pace.

Engaging Content
Our online continuing education is developed by highly qualified healthcare professionals and features engaging videos from Emmy Award winning producers.
Instant Certifications
Print or download your CCMC-Approved CEUs CEU certificates immediately. Track and access your certificates with your CEU Academy account from anywhere at anytime. Click here for Accreditation Information